Dental Technology

Dentists in Canada have access to a wide range of tools and equipment to aid them in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of oral and dental conditions. Dental technology is constantly being developed to create more effective solutions for dental patients.

iTero intraoral scanner

The iTero intraoral scanner is an intraoral scanning device used by dentists to capture detailed 3D images of the teeth, mouth, and jaw. iTero scanners are often used as a component of treatment planning for restorative and orthodontic procedures, including Invisalign treatments.

iTero Digital Scanning

iTero scans are a very non-invasive form of imaging technology that does not use radiation. A wand is moved over the teeth, and the scanner works quickly to collect images, capturing all the necessary data in a matter of minutes. Then, it compiles the images into a complete 3D model that can be viewed on a computer screen.

iTero Scans vs. Traditional Modelling

In the past, dental modelling was typically achieved by applying plaster to a patient’s teeth and allowing the plaster to form and solidify around them. This can be extremely uncomfortable for patients and is not as accurate as digital renderings are.

iTero scans often replace these more invasive techniques for 3D modelling of the teeth and mouth, improving patient experiences and making the process more comfortable and straightforward for dentists and patients alike.

The iTero scanner measures and maps out the mouth in detail and in full colour, allowing dentists to see the exact positions and shapes of the teeth and gums. From there, dentists can create comprehensive treatment plans. They can also have treatment options such as dental appliances constructed directly from the data in the scans.

Laser Dentistry

A painless, drill-free variety of procedures that improve healing times, reduce appointment times, and require less anaesthetic.

Laser dentistry uses laser technology in the treatment of various dental conditions. Dental lasers use a small, concentrated beam of light to affect various parts of the mouth. Lasers are less invasive than traditional tools used for the removal of tissue, such as drills and scalpels.

Dental Laser Treatments

Laser procedures are used in many types of dental work. In most cases, lasers are used for cutting or reshaping the hard and soft tissue of the mouth. Dentists offering restorative or cosmetic procedures may use lasers in their dental practices.